
All Contests are held in Entertainment Tent

 SATURDAY, July 13th   

1:30 p.m.

“Charcuterie Board Contest”

  • Present a charcuterie board designed for 2-4 people along with a list of items used.
  • There is no limit to the number of meats and cheeses you can use as well as any accompaniments, such as; breads, crackers, olives, nuts, honey, fruits, chocolates, jams, etc. (These are just examples, you can use whatever you like.)
  • Judging criteria: presentation, variety, and flavor combinations.

Prizes: 1st $25.00 / 2nd $20.00 / 3rd $15.00

2:00 p.m.

 “Largest Kohlrabi

  • Bring your cleaned kohlrabi to the Entertainment Tent
  • Judged for being the largest in shape, size and weight.
  • Must be free of disease and insects.

Prizes: 1st $5.00/2nd $3.00/3rd $2.00

2:30 p.m.

“FROZEN T-Shirt Contest”

 Each participant will attempt to put their head through the frozen t-shirt neck opening

  • T-shirts are supplied
  • 12 entry limit
  • Fastest times will be the winners!

Class 1: Age 13 and under

Class 2: Age 14 and over

Prizes: 1st $10.00/2nd $7.00/3rd $5.00